Solutions was effective in reducing infant procedural pain compared to placebo i.e. water ; . Comparisons between breast milk and sucrose suggest that the effect of breastfeeding is similar to sucrose 37 ; , although it is possible that other stimuli during breastfeeding, including olfactory and tactile responses, contribute to its effectiveness. Bilgen et al. 38 ; found that when verbal intonations and tactile stimulation associated with breastfeeding were controlled, sucrose appeared to be superior to breast milk in reducing infant pain as assessed by the Infant Body Coding System IBCS ; 39 ; in response to heel prick. Bucher et al. 36 ; found that artificial sweetener resulted in reduced pain compared to expressed breast milk, further suggesting that sweet solutions may be more effective than breast milk when delivered in a manner not associated with the experience of breastfeeding. In contrast to sucrose, which has shown additive effects on pain when paired with NNS, glucose alone appears to be just as effective as glucose added to NNS 4 ; Table 2 ; . Carbajal and colleagues 47 ; assessed the effects of glucose and glucose plus NNS on very preterm infants undergoing subcutaneous injections. Thus, Carbajal et al. 47 ; employed a different approach to that of most prior work in relation to: treatment glucose ; , participants very premature infants ; and manner of painful procedure subcutaneous injections ; . Glucose was found to be an effective analgesic regardless of whether or not it was paired with NNS. The findings may be due to particular properties of glucose and or to the response of very preterm infants. Additive effects may be apparent for glucose combined with other forms of analgesia. In a trial by Gradin et al. 40 ; using glucose and breastfeeding to manage pain responses in full-term infants undergoing venipuncture, breastfeeding combined with glucose was more effective in reducing infant crying time and pain behavior as measured by the PIPP than either glucose or breastfeeding alone. NNS combined with glucose may not have as powerful an effect as the feeding and comforting mechanisms of breastfeeding, although no existing research has examined this possibility. Benefits of Sucrose and Other Sweet Solutions are Superior to a Conventional Approach for Minor Procedural Pain At least two investigators have found that sucrose and other sweet solutions provide analgesic effects that are comparable or superior to eutectic mixture of local anesthetic EMLA ; cream, an established conventional approach for procedural pain. Abad and colleagues 41 ; reported that sucrose was more effective in reducing infant crying time than EMLA, and moreover, adding EMLA to the use of sucrose did not further increase analgesia. Infant heart rate revealed a similar pattern.
Ming Shi, Yong Zhang, Ying-Hua Zhu, Laboratory Center, No. 6 Hospital of Dalian, Dalian 116001, Liaoning Province, China Jing Zhang, Wei-Jia Xu, Laboratory Center, Dalian Central Hospital, Dalian 116001, Liaoning Province, China Correspondence to: Ming Shi, Laboratory Center, No. 6 Hospital of Dalian, 1 Chunhai Street, Dalian 116001, Liaoning Province, China. zhsh6655 sohu Telephone: + 86-411-82714773 Fax: + 86-411-82714773 Received: July 10, 2007 Revised: August 30, 2007 Shi M, Zhang Y, Zhu YH, Zhang J, Xu WJ. Comparison of realtime polymerase chain reaction with the COBAS Amplicor test for quantitation of hepatitis B virus DNA in serum samples. World J Gastroenterol 2008; 14 3 ; : 479-483 Available from: URL: : wjgnet 1007-9327 14 479 DOI: : dx.doi. org 10.3748 wjg.14.479.
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Regardless of timing of the motor response. On the other hand, if it were related more to planning of the motor response, its timing would change trial by trial in correlation with the response latency. In this initial analysis we only considered the activity in trials where saccades were made into the response field of the neuron i.e., the red traces for spike density in Figures 1B & C ; . this case there was always a positive increase in activity at some point in the post-cue period. In Figures 2A and B, the onset times of activity modulation were plotted on the ordinate with the median saccadic latencies on the abscissa. Each line in these plots represents results from one neuron. The location and slope of each line is determined by the linear regression of median activity modulation on median RT for three trial groups with the shortest, the middle, and the longest one-third of the response times for each cell. The slope was then defined as an alignment index, AIcue or AIsac, for data aligned on cue onset or saccade onset, respectively. The AIcue would be zero if the modulation of a cell's post-cue activity began in alignment with the cue onset regardless of the saccade latency, and it would be one if a cell's activity was aligned with saccade onset. A significant activity increase was observed in only one of the trial groups for four of the 54 VM cells, so that the slope could not be calculated for these four cells. As shown by the distribution of AIcue in.
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Ulrich Salzer and Rainer Prohaska Correspondence: Rainer Prohaska, University of Vienna, Vienna Biocenter, Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Dr. Bohr-Gasse 9 3, Vienna A-1030, Austria; e-mail: prohaska bch vie Supported by grant P15486 from the Austrian Science Fund.
Received September 6, 1994. Revised October 28, 1994. Accepted November 3, 1994. Address correspondence and requests for reprints to: SE Papapoulos MD, Department of Endocrinology, Bldg 1, C4-R, University Hospital, Rijnsburgerweg lo, 2333 AA Leiden, The Netherlands. * These studies were supported by Programme Grant NW0 900541-191 from the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research and dicloxacillin.
Rush WR, Hall DJ, Graham DJM, and Selby IA 1992 ; The metabolism of imiloxan hydrochloride in healthy male volunteers. Xenobiotica 22: 237246. Salerno L, Sorrenti V, Guerrera F, Sarva MC, Siracusa MC, Giacomo CD, and Vanella A 1999 ; N-Substituted-imidazoles as inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase: a preliminary screening. Pharmazie 54: 685 690. Sinz MW, and Remmel RP 1991 ; Isolation and characterization of a novel quaternary ammonium-linked glucuronide of lamotrigine. Drug Metab Dispos 19: 149 153. Stearns RA, Doss GA, Miller RA, and Chiu S-HL 1991 ; Synthesis and identification of novel tetrazole metabolite of the angiotensin II receptor antagonist DuP 753. Drug Metab Dispos 19: 1160 1162. Stevens JC, Fayer JL, and Cassidy KC 2001 ; Characterization of 2-[[4-[[2- 1H-tetrazol-5ylmethyl ; N-glucuronidation by in vitro and in vivo approaches. Drug Metab Dispos 29: 289 295.
Data are n % ; . * Eighty patients were taking zero lipid drugs, 117 one lipid drug, and 10 two lipid drugs. Four patients were taking zero lipid drugs, 22 one lipid drug, and 4 two lipid drugs. Twenty-seven were taking no lipid drugs, 77 one lipid drug, and 10 two lipid drugs. We assumed that any second lipid drug added would produce an additional 15% reduction in LDL and diflunisal.
Each of us has learned and digested what it "means" to be a man or a woman right from our early years. It is one thing to look around and see the external social signs of gender meanings. It is another, equally important, to reflect on how our personal imaginings of gender, that have left traces in us from experiences and memories of growing up, affect our assumptions about gender. Warm up Ask participants to stand in a circle. Go around the group twice with each person finishing these sentences: I would like to be name a well-known WOMAN ; because she. I would like to be name a well-known MAN ; because he. Aim: Materials: Time: EXERCISE 2.1.
STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE UNITED STATES 2000, TABLE 194 2000 ; this number excludes long term general and special hospitals and tuberculosis hospitals ; . 2. Section 1867 of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. ' 1395dd 1986 ; . Additional requirements are included in section 1866 of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. '' 1395 cc a ; 1 ; and N ; and ' 1395cc b ; . The Act was originally called the "Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act." A 1989 amendment eliminated references within the statute to the term "active labor, " substituting "labor." 3. Roberts v. Galen of Virginia, Inc., 111 F.3d 405, 409 6th Cir. 1997 ; . 4. McCaig, LF., VITAL AND HEALTH STATISTICS 2000; 313: 1-24, NATIONAL HOSPITAL AMBULATORY MEDICAL CARE SURVEY: 1998 EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT SUMMARY. 5. Id. 6. Most recently Dame, L., Wolfe, S. M., Hospital Violations of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act: A Detailed Look at Patient Dumping, Public Citizen's Health Research Group, December 1997. 7. On June 14, 2001, the Secretary of HHS changed the name of the Health Care Financing Administration to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, abbreviated "CMS." Due to the public's familiarity with the name "Health Care Financing Administration" or HCFA, we refer to the agency as "HCFA" in this report. 8. E.g., Hickman v. Taylor, 329 U.S. 495, 508-510, 91 L. Ed. 451, 460-461 1947 ; . 9. HCFA, STATE OPERATIONS MANUAL, '' 3012-3413 2000 ; . 10. Id. 11. 42 C.F.R. 489.24 g ; 2000 ; . 12. See 42 C.F.R 1003.102 2000 ; negligent violation of the Act by a participating hospital or physician is the basis for imposition of a civil monetary penalty ; . 13. See 42 C.F.R. 1003.100 b ; vi ; 2000 ; permitting OIG to impose civil monetary penalties only for violations of section 1867 or 42 C.F.R. 498.24 ; . 14. 42 C.F.R. ' 489.24 a ; 2000 ; . 15. Baber v. Hospital Corp. of America, 977 F.2d 872, 879 n. 7 4th Cir. 1992 Eberhardt v. City of Los Angeles, 62 F. 3d 1253, 1258 Cir. 1995 but see Repp v. Anadarko Municipal Hosp., 43 F. 3d 519, 522 n. 10 10th Cir. 1994 ; asserting that courts should inquire as to whether a hospital adhered to its own procedures, not whether these were adequate ; . 16. Correa v. Hospital San Francisco, 69 F.3d 1184, 1192-93 1st Cir. 1995 ; . 17. 42 C.F.R. ' 489.24 a ; 2000 ; . 18. Cf. Repp v. Anadarko Municipal Hospital, 43 F.3d 519 10th Cir. 1994 ; asserting that the proper inquiry is whether the hospital adhered to its own standard procedures but see Anadumaka v. Edgewater Operating Co., 823 F. Supp. 507 N.D. Ill. 1993 ; finding that a triage exam satisfied the Act's screening requirement ; . 19. 42 C.F.R. ' 489.24 b ; 2000 ; . 20. 42 C.F.R. ' 489.24 b ; 2000 ; 21. 42 C.F.R ' 489.24 c ; ii 3 ; 2000 ; . 22. 42 C.F.R. ' 489.24 d ; ii ; A ; 2000 ; . 23. 42 C.F.R ' 489.20 m ; 2000 ; . 24. 42 C.F.R. ' 489.24 e ; 2000 ; . 25. 42 C.F.R 489.20 r ; 2 ; 2000 ; effective Sept. 1995 ; . 26. 42 C.F.R. 489.20 r ; 3 ; 2000 ; effective Sept. 1995 ; . 27. 42 C.F.R. 489.20 r ; 1 ; 2000 ; effective July 1994 ; . 28. 42 C.F.R. 489.20 l ; 2000 ; effective July 1994 ; . 29. 42 U.S.C. 1395dd d ; 1 ; A ; 1999 ; . 30. 42 U.S.C 1395dd d ; 1 ; B ; 1999 ; . 31. 42 U.S.C 1395dd d ; 2 ; 1999 ; . 32. STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF THE UNITED STATES 2000, TABLE 194 2000 ; this number excludes long term general and special hospitals and tuberculosis hospitals and dihydroergotamine.
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Naked chips of the VCO were mounted on Arlon AR1000 substrate r 9.8 ; and housed in suitable test jigs Fig.5 ; . External components such as resistor and capacitors were placed on the board to clean DC bias lines from the noise of bias power suppliers. Single ended measurements were performed connecting the RF signal to the instrumentations and the other to 50-Ohm termination Figures 6 and 7 show the comparison of simulated and measured results of VCO at nominal operating point in free running mode 18mA of current consumption ; . The circuit was simulated with SpectreRF and Eldo tools. The main VCO features are 1GHz tuning range and 87dBc Hz of phase noise 100KHz offset. The good agreement between simulations and measures provides a further validation of the available models and adopted design approach. The slight differences in the results can be traced back to some imprecise parasitic evaluations around the collector nodes of the VCO's core. The VCO is also tested in the bias voltage range 3.0V to 3.6V and at environment temperature range -30C to 100C. The measurements carried out a pushing factor of 83MHz V and a variation of + -0.95MHz C of the central oscillation frequency vs. temperature. The tuning range and dextroamphetamine
And 180-minute recordings. The corresponding baseline score was subtracted from this value to measure the change. The main dependent outcome variable, termed ARCI Rewarding Effects Composite, consisted of a composite of change scores from scales that measure positive reinforcing effects: Abuse-Potential, Amphetamine, Benzedrine, Morphine-Benzedrine, and Stimulation Euphoria. Similar rewarding effects composites were calculated with the POMS using the Elation, Vigor, and Friendliness scales and with the VAS using the peak "I like the drug, " "I feel an increase in energy, " "I feel high, " and "I feel the drug's good effects" scales. An ARCI Negative Effects Composite measure was also calculated by grouping the change scores from the Pentobarbital Chlorpromazine Alcohol Group, LSD, Sedation-Motor, Sedation-Mental, Unpleasantness-Physical, and Unpleasantness-Dysphoria scales to evaluate increases in negative ie, unpleasant ; drug effects. Because of the different score ranges within the various scales, baseline and peak scores were converted to a score on a 100% scale before being added into the composite score. The Cronbach coefficient was obtained for each composite measure to evaluate internal consistency. Data were analyzed by simple factorial analysis of covariance ANCOVA ; using a statistical software program SPSS version 10.0.0; SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill ; . The effects of the independent variables, mood depressed vs control ; and drug dextroamphetamine vs placebo ; , as well as the interaction were tested .05, 2-tailed ; . Age and sex were included as covariates for all ANCOVAs. In addition to modeling mood as a dichotomous variable, we also modeled depression as a continuous variable using the actual HAM-D score. That is, multiple regression analysis was applied in the MDD group to examine the effect of drug dextroamphetamine vs placebo ; , HAM-D score, and the interaction, adjusting for age and sex. Demographic and baseline measurements ie, before drug administration ; were compared using independent samples t tests. Pearson correlation coefficient tests were used for bivariate correlations and dionex.
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