An erection disorder is not life-threatening. The need for treatment depends on the amount of discomfort the problem is causing and the motivation of the patient. A long period of abstinence may induce a loss of interest in sexuality in one or both partners. Being curious when a new treatment is made public in the press may just not be enough. To enhance the chance of success, the patient and his partner should be really longing to be sexually active again. Most therapies depend on the patient being able and willing to put some effort in it. It may take some motivation to learn medical procedures. If proper motivation is lacking, then the therapy will certainly fail. A success will also depend on the partner, who must want to be sexually active again. In addition, the partner must also be willing to assist in certain therapies and will need to feel comfortable with the 'hassle' needed for a proper erection. A certain commitment is necessary to solve the erection problems. If this is lacking in one of the partners, it will have a negative effect on the success of treatment.
Secreted 40% less TRH than hypothalami of euthyroid rats, and a similar decrease in secretion was observed in an in vivo model 38 ; . In our experimental models, hypothyroid and hyperthyroid conditions produced contrary actions on the TRH in the ME and PVN of rats. Unexpectedly and differently from TRH, we found elevations of proTRH207255 and pEH24-related peptide levels in the PVN of hyperthyroid.
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As an example of the best case impact of an IST program on the profile of a marketed agent, Figure 1 presents Tandem Survey data regarding treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer between June 1998 and May 1999. In this time period, docetaxel Taxotere, Sanofi-Aventis ; was indicated for treatment of anthracycline-resistant metastatic breast cancer. Phase II trials had shown that Taxotere was active in lung, ovarian, head and neck, gastric, pancreatic, bladder and prostate carcinoma. Under the Medical Affairs IST program, a combination regimen incorporating Taxotere plus estramustine for hormone-refractory prostate cancer was studied in 1996-98. These Phase I II studies resulted in two publications in March 1999 Kreis et al, Annals of Oncology 10: 33-38, 1999 and Petrylak et al, J Clin Oncol 17: 958-67, 1999 ; . In summary, the combination produced overall response rates based on PSA improvement in 63% of patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer; 19% had normalization of their elevated PSA. More importantly, other studies had reported median survival of 10 months for mitoxantrone the approved standard agent in this indication ; and median survival from 11-17 months for other estramustine combinations. The Taxotere plus estramustine combination produced an unprecedented median survival of 23 months in this study. The immediate effects of these two publications on Arrowsmith Oncology LLC, 2005. All rights reserved.
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The practice of medicine can take all forms, and the diversity and adaptability that we sometimes require continue to amaze and intrigue me. In my short career I have had strange requests and patients, from seeing a Sioux child who had been shot by an arrow and delivering babies in hospital car parks to learning about and adapting to the world of molecular biology. None prepared me for a request that I received while working as a resident medical officer at a private hospital during the present foot and mouth outbreak. An embarrassed nurse knocked on the door of my on call room and asked whether I had any shepherding experience. She had been looking out of the window and noticed that the lambs in the neighbouring field had escaped through the fence. Concerned, she had called reception to ask for the telephone number of the local farmer, so that she could inform him of his escapees. "Don't worry, " replied the receptionist, "the RMO will do it, he's done it before." Indeed, the week before, she had found me in the car park ushering a lamb back into the field after a breakout. There were bemused patients peering from the window as their resident doctor was seen patrolling the fence and chasing the lambs back in to the field. I bumped into one of the professors in the corridor later and told him of my exploits; he laughed and replied, "I hope you didn't get caught. We can't have you being arrested for illegally transporting livestock." I can now add shepherd to the many skills that I have had to call on in my practice as a doctor. James Clover clinical research fellow, Ratby, Leicestershire We welcome articles up to 600 words on topics such as A memorable patient, A paper that changed my practice, My most unfortunate mistake, or any other piece conveying instruction, pathos, or humour. If possible the article should be supplied on a disk. Permission is needed from the patient or a relative if an identifiable patient is referred to. We also welcome contributions for "Endpieces, " consisting of quotations of up to words but most are considerably shorter ; from any source, ancient or modern, which have appealed to the reader.
Apr 23, 2007 medical news today press release ; , the study included; 40 men treated with docetaxel estramustine carboplatin, 24 patients treated with docetaxel intravenous estramustine and carboplatin, clarifying the issues surrounding dendreon' s provenge - apr 16, 2007 seeking alpha, in the columbia presbyterian phase ii trial of docetaxel and estramustine, the occurrence of vascular events, including grade 4 and 5 cerebrovascular aggressive treatment of psa recurrences after primary treatment is and ethionamide.
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Participant Feedback and Discussion During the breakout sessions, participants reviewed this presentation and focused their discussions around the following questions: What is your biggest challenge in asthma management? How do you assess asthma control? Define your current treatment algorithm for asthma management to include ICS, leukotriene receptor antagonists, and combination therapy. How important is the delivery device in selecting therapy? What factors determine your intervention point? When is the right time to intervene? The need for clear, open channels of communication between patients and their health-care providers was highlighted as a key challenge, as has been described in the AIRE and AIA surveys.14, 15 The AIA survey15 specifically demonstrated the widespread misunderstanding among patients about the underlying condition causing their asthma symptoms, as well as confusion about appropriate treatment and other aspects of asthma management. It is also of concern that a significant proportion of patients receive information about asthma from friends and family.49 The pulmonologists included in the meeting agreed that many patients needed convincing about the benefits of ICS therapy, and that patients were often concerned about side effects eg, long-term effects on bone and weight ; . Participants commented that, even among patients who were knowledgeable about asthma management and the benefits of treatment, the degree of compliance that could be expected was of concern this issue is reviewed more extensively in the article by Horne ; . The need for continuity of care was also emphasized, with the relative roles of the physician and asthma nurse highlighted. Good team working and continuity of care have a crucial role to play in asthma--particularly in children--as lower continuity of primary care has been associated with a higher risk of emergency department utilization and hospitalization.50 Participants believed that simplicity was key to the assessment of asthma control, and recommended the use of a standard questionnaire clinical checklist containing the following indicators to help evaluate the degree of asthma management: daytime and nocturnal symptoms; symptoms during exercise; number of exacerbations; work absenteeism; lung function; and number of short-acting 2-agonist refills.
| Estramustine tabsIn patients who underwent hemodynamic monitoring. ADHF, acute decompensated heart failure; NYHA, New York Heart Association; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MI, myocardial infarction; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. Adapted with permission from Akhter MW et al. J Cardiol. 2004; 94: 957-960 and ethosuximide.
Figure 4-47 Effect of the FITC dextran 70 concentration on drug release a ; and collagen degradation b ; of 10mm equine non cross-linked minirods 0.1g ml enzyme was added after 0.25h; average SD; n 3.
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| IsisCircType INTEGER, isisCircExtDomain TruthValue, isisCircLevelType IsisLevel, isisCircPassiveCircuit TruthValue, isisCircMeshGroupEnabled INTEGER, isisCircMeshGroup Unsigned32, isisCircSmallHellos TruthValue, isisCircLastUpTime TimeStamp, isisCirc3WayEnabled TruthValue, isisCircExtendedCircID Unsigned32 ; isisCircIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IndexInteger MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An index used to uniquely identify this circuit. When creating a row in this table, the isisNextCircIndex object should be retrieved and it's value should be specified as the value of this index using a SET operation. A retrieved value of zero 0 ; indicates that no rows can be created at this time." : : isisCircIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of ifIndex for the interface to which this circuit corresponds. This object cannot be modified after creation." : : isisCircIfSubSelector OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32.
Absort, el biblifil veu tes ilustracins, y devot de Bellesa qu'adora'l temps passat, com qui sent un nou himne, eh guayta extasiat. The bibliophile, all absorbed, views your illustrations; worshipper of Beauty adoring byegone days, as though hearing a new hymn, he looks upon them in ecstasy and etodolac.
Table 3. PARP and procaspase-2 expression in childhood acute leukemia patients sensitive and resistant to PRED, VCR, ASP, and DNR.
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Recently, researchers from france have reported that the combination of docetaxel and estramustine was superior to docetaxel alone for the treatment of hrpc see first item of related news and estramustine.
Of progressive disease. Patients randomized to docetaxel received docetaxel 60 mg m 2 ; , estramustine 280 mg given orally three times a day for 5 days ; , and premedication with dexamethasone 20 mg orally three times a day beginning the day prior to docetaxel ; , with cycles repeated Q3W. Patients randomized to mitoxantrone plus prednisone received mitoxantrone 12 mg m2 ; Q3W with continuous prednisone at a dose of 5 mg twice a day. The doses of docetaxel and mitoxantrone were escalated to 70 mg m2 and 14 mg m2, respectively, for patients who did not experience grade 34 toxicity in the first cycle of therapy. Prophylactic anticoagulation with daily warfarin Coumadin; BristolMyers Squibb, New York, : bms ; 2 mg ; and aspirin 325 mg ; was initiated halfway through the trial for patients receiving docetaxel plus estramustine based on the release of data demonstrating a significant reduction in estramustine-related coagulopathies with such therapy. At a median follow-up of 32 months, 64% 217 338 ; of the patients randomized to docetaxel and 70% 235 336 ; of the patients randomized to mitoxantrone had died. Both overall survival and disease-free survival were significantly longer with docetaxel plus estramustine than with mitoxantrone plus prednisone Table 2 ; . The relative risk for death was 20% lower with docetaxel-based therapy HR, 0.80; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.670.97 ; . Significantly more patients treated with docetaxel plus estramustine had a PSA response as well. Pain relief was similar in both groups. Toxicities were significantly higher in the docetaxel estramustine group. Sixteen percent of patients in the docetaxelestramustine group and 10% in the mitoxantroneprednisone group discontinued treatment as a result of adverse events. Rates of grade 34 neutropenia did not differ between groups, but the incidence of severe and lifethreatening febrile neutropenia was higher with docetaxel plus estramustine 5% vs. 2%; p .01 ; . Gastrointestinal, neurologic, metabolic, and cardiovascular events were also significantly more common with docetaxel plus estramus and exenatide.
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With one of the highest educated workforces in the country, the Longmont-Boulder area is home to some of the largest and most successful bioscience companies in the state. Amgen, Array Biopharma, Pharmion and Valleylab are just some examples. In addition to its talent pool, bioscience companies are attracted to the area by the affordable cost of real estate, the appealing lifestyle, proximity to the University of Colorado and a business environment poised for growth. Commerce Center Longmont, recently purchased from Pratt Properties by Circle Capital, includes a business park spanning over 200 acres and is home to many prominent Colorado bioscience companies. N.
Introduction & Objectives: Patients with metastatic prostate cancers usually become androgen independent in 18-24 months. Docetaxel based treatment has been shown to improve quality of life and survival in Hormone Refractory Prostate Cancer HRPC ; . We retrospectively studied safety and efficacy of docetaxel based chemotherapy in HRPC at our centre. Material & Methods: Partial response PR ; was defined as more than 50% reduction in prostate specific antigen PSA ; value, progressive disease PD ; as more than 25% increase in PSA and stable disease SD ; as not fitting into above criteria. Toxicity was evaluated as per Common Toxicity Criteria version 3. Time to progression TTP ; was calculated from the time chemotherapy was started. Chemotherapy protocols used were docetaxel 3 weekly + prednisolone daily or docetaxel + estramustine 3 weekly or docetaxel. Results: The median age of the 20 patients evaluated was 67 years range 49-79 years ; . Performance status PS ; at the time of chemotherapy was 1 in 15 and 2 in 5 patients. Co morbidities included hypertension in 9, diabetes and cardiac disease in 2 patients each. The median Gleason score was 6. A total of 17 patients had metastatic disease at presentation. Site of metastases were bone in 19 and lymph nodes in 8 patients. Previous hormonal manipulation included orchiectomy in 19, bicalutamide in 17, fosfestrol in 7 and goserelin in 2 patients. Median duration of PFS after hormonal therapy was 20.5 months range 2-57months ; . The median number of chemotherapy cycles received was 6 range; 2-6 ; . Median PSA at the start of chemotherapy was 300 ng ml and it reduced to 30ng ml at the end of chemotherapy. PR was observed in 10 20, SD in 3 20 and PD in 7 patients. Symptom relief was observed in 13 20 patients. Median TTP was 5 months range 2-18 months ; . Grade 1 to 2 nausea, vomiting and fatigue were seen in 13, grade 4 fatigue in 1, grade 2 diarrhea in 4 and grade 3 febrile neutropenia in 4 patients. There was no death related to drug toxicity. Conclusions: Docetaxel based chemotherapy is effective in HRPC in patients from India. It is useful in palliating symptoms and outcome is similar to that reported in literature with acceptable toxicity and exjade.
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