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TABLE OF CONTENTS . 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. 7 INTRODUCTION. 9 DRAWBACKS OF WORDNET 1.5 AND HOW EUROWORDNET DIFFERENTIATED?. 11 Drawbacks of the Princeton WordNet 1, 5 . 11 Differences between the EuroWordNet and the Princeton WordNet 1, 5 . 11 Differences in relations between WN 1, 5 and EWN . 12 Why XPOS relations were allowed in EWN?. 12 PART A. 14 USER REQUIREMENT - FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS. 14 Information Retrieval . 14 Functionality of project's results in Information Retrieval . 16 BALKANET'S APPLICATION AND FUNCTIONALITY IN IR . Conceptual Indexing . 18 The motivation behind Conceptual Indexing Applications. 20 Drawbacks of non-structured ILI. 20 Benefits of a structured ILI. 20 Description of the architecture. 21 Towards a structured Interlingua . 25 The contribution of Internet Service Providers ISPs ; in applying BalkaNet for Information Retrieval . 29 Evaluation of BalkaNet's contribution in IR. 30 EVALUATION OF BALKANET'S PERFORMANCE . 32 1.1 Statistics . 32 1.2 Syntax. 32 1.3 Content . 32 2.1 Number of links between the different languages. 33 2.2 Usage of the Internal Relations . 34 2.3 Concrete Experiences of Use without taking statistics into consideration 34 2.3.1 Information Retrieval IR ; Tasks . 34 2.3.2 Word-Sense-Disambiguation WSD ; . 34 TOOL REQUIREMENTS FOR INTEGRATION IN IR APPLICATIONS. 35 DATA MANAGEMENT AND REPRESENTATION . 36 PART B . 37 BALKANET'S FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS DEVELOPERS REQUIREMENTS . 37 SPECIFICATION OF THE DATA REQUIREMENTS . 37 # Linguistic Requirements, Vocabulary Coverage and Selection Criteria . 37 Resources that are already available to the consortium and are currently being processed . 57 Problems Encountered during Selection Process of the Greek Base Concepts61 MULTILINGUAL ARCHITECTURAL REQUIREMENTS . 62 Specifications of the VisDic Tool . 63 Communication and Data Exchange . 65 DIFFERENTIATION OF THE ARCHITECTURE REQUIREMENTS COMPARED TO THE EWN. 67 December 2001 5. Other complications Table 5 ; : no patient developed constrictive pericarditis, chronic dyspnea, severe lung or systemic infection so far. On the other hand, one patient died from a stroke with normal blood counts after having completed the treatment of his relapse. Another patient who had a limited pachypleuritis of the left costo-diaphragmatic pleura resulting from splenic. However, such decrease in exemestane availability is not considered clinically relevant, because exemestane already elicits almost maximal estrogen suppression at a dose of 10 mg day We had some new creative geography right up there with the last years order of Army Rumania to Kosovo meaning Serbia ; . This years contributions Fleet Algeria to Trieste meaning Fleet Albania to Trieste ; Fleet Greece to Iogean meaning Fleet Greece to Ionian ; The classic problems were again encountered by newbies: 1. Spain does not border on North Africa 2. Berlin does not border on Denmark 3. Fleet Kiel can go to the Baltic 4. Fleet Ankara can not support Constantinople to Smyrna 5. A unit that is being supported to defend, loses that support if it is ordered to move Aside from simply reading the map to understand the connection were border wide not black line point the most common adjudication problem encountered by new players were all around the support order and it being cut or not being cut when it relates to supporting an attack on a province that is attacking you. In explaining the game rules we use the phrases, A unit cannot cut support for an attack on itself and A unit that is dislodged has no effect on the province from which it was dislodged The adjudication problem that seemed to confuse the most was the following: Turkey Fleet Ankara Supports Fleet Constantinople Fleet Constantinople supports Fleet Greece to Bulgaria sc Fleet Greece to Bulgaria sc Russia Fleet Black Sea supports Army Bulgaria to Constaninople Army Bulgaria to Constantinople Army Serbia to Greece What happens in the above case is that the attack on Cons fails and fails to cut the support for the attack of Greece on Bulgaria. So Bulgaria is dislodged. Serbia walks into Greece since Greece gets into Bulgaria and Bulgaria can actually then retreat to Serbia. As a tactical concept the new player had a hard time taking into account that a unit that can retreat can retreat to one of your own 18.

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SUMMARY Chromosomes are not packed randomly in the nucleus. The Rabl orientation is an example of the non-random arrangement of chromosomes, centromeres are grouped in a limited area near the nuclear periphery and telomeres are located apart from centromeres. This orientation is established during mitosis and maintained through subsequent interphase in a range of species. We report that a Rabl-like configuration can be formed de novo without a preceding mitosis during the transition from the sexual phase to the vegetative phase of the life cycle in fission yeast. In this process, each of the dispersed centromeres is often associated with a novel Sad1-containing body that is contacting a cytoplasmic microtubule laterally Sad1 is a component of the spindle pole body SPB . The Sad1containing body was colocalized with other known SPB components, Kms1 and Spo15 but not with Cut12, indicating that it represents a novel SPB-related complex. The existence of the triplex structure centromeremicrotubule-Sad1 body ; suggests that the clustering of centromeres is controlled by a cytoplasmic microtubular system. Accordingly, when microtubules are destabilized, clustering is markedly reduced. Both iNO and sildenafil significantly raised cGMP levels in the arterial blood Figure 3 ; . As expected, their combination had an additive effect Figure 3 ; . However, there was no correlation between cGMP levels and either baseline pulmonary vascular resistance or the fall in pulmonary vascular resistance achieved by iNO or sildenafil and exjade 35. Topouzis D and du Guerny J 1999 ; Sustainable Agricultural Rural Development and Vulnerability to HIV AIDS. UNAIDS Best Practice Paper. FAO UNAIDS: Rome and Geneva. 36. Fafchamps M and Minten B 1999 ; Relationships and traders in Madagascar. MSSD Discussion Paper 24. IFPRI: Washington DC. 37. Parker J, Singh I, Hattel K 2000 ; . The role of microfinance in the fight against HIV AIDS. Development Alternatives Inc: Bethesda, Maryland. 38. Haddad L and Gillespie S 2001 ; Effective food and nutrition policy responses to HIV AIDS: what we know and what we need to know. Food Consumption and Nutrition Discussion Paper, forthcoming. IFPRI: Washington DC.

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Kenya A 1989 survey of 2 059 secondary school students in Nakuru found that 12 per cent of males reported drinking beer and 2 per cent reported drinking chang'aa, versus 3 per cent and 0.5 per cent respectively for females Kiragu 1994 ; . A three-year study completed in 1995 of alcohol and other drug use in secondary schools and teacher training colleges nation-wide surveyed 2 381 students. Of these, 42 per cent had used beer or wine, 31.5 per cent had used spirits, and 22 per cent had drunk chang'aa Amayo 1996 ; . Lesotho In a 1992 baseline health study of households in the Lesotho Highlands, 16.9 per cent of respondents 15 to 29 years old reported current drinking. Of children between the ages of 5 and 14, 6.2 per cent 5.8 per cent of boys and 6.4 per cent of girls; 4 per cent of children ages 5 to 9, 8.8 per cent of children ages 10 to 14 ; reported current alcohol use. Traditional beer was the most commonly consumed alcoholic beverage. The majority of respondents indicated they drank alcohol monthly or less often, although two children reported daily alcohol use Lesotho Highlands Water Project 1996 ; . A national survey among secondary and high school students reported in 1989 that 24.2 per cent of the total sample drank alcoholic beverages Moremoholo 1989 ; . A 1989 report of an interview survey of 1 133 high school students from 11 to 22 years of age indicated that about half of the students 54 per cent of the boys and 42 per cent of the girls ; had drunk alcohol at some point in their lives. Drinking was positively associated with age, sex male ; , drinking by friends, higher family income, and drinking in the family. No indication of widespread alcohol abuse was found, but about half of the students believed that moderate drinking is impossible and that the fun of drinking is to get drunk Meursing & Morojele 1989 ; . Namibia Five studies from 1991 and 1992 have reported that 20 per cent of school children and 75 per cent of out-of-school youth abuse alcohol over weekends Parry 1997 ; . One of these, conducted in Katutura and Khomasdal on schoolchildren between the ages of 12 and 16, found that alcohol was the most used substance by young people. Of boys, 22.9 per cent drank alcohol, while 12.6 per cent of girls reported drinking. Rates increased with age. In addition, 35.5 per cent of the young people surveyed agreed with the statement that "a youngster cannot enjoy a party without alcohol" Strijdom 1992 ; . Nigeria A number of school and college surveys have found alcohol use to be common among students, with many drinking students having had their first drink in family settings Gureje 1999 ; . In June 1988 a questionnaire survey of 636 undergraduate students at the University of Ilorin in Kwara State found that 77 per cent reported lifetime alcohol use 81 per cent of men and 68 per cent of women ; Adelekan et al. 1993 ; . In response to a 1988 survey of 1 041 senior secondary school students in Ilorin, 12 per cent reported current use of alcohol Abiodun et al. 1994 ; . One researcher reported in 1988 that the preceding decade had witnessed increasing alcohol use among young people, but longitudinal data were unavailable to support this Odejide et al. 1987 ; . The same study reported that around the age of eight many respondents had been given alcohol, usually during family festivities and ezetimibe.

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In respect of International Class 43 for hotel services, motel services, resort services, motor inn services; restaurant services, lounge services, bar services; providing food and beverages at hotels, motels, resorts and inns; concierge services. The applicant claims that it has used this mark since October 2005. The applicants claim priority on the basis of an application filed on September 27, 2005, under number 78 721, 875 in the United States of America. ANY person desirous of making opposition to, or observations in respect of, the above-cited application, whose Number on the Register is 3796.06 should do so in writing addressed to the undersigned not later than the 11th day of August, 2006. DATED this 10th day of May, 2006. 1st issue ; WHEREAS, the Registrar is in receipt of an application filed on the 10th day of April, 2006, by Vicuron Pharmaceuticals Inc., of 455 South Gulph Road, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406, United States of America, through its agent W. H. Courtenay & Co., Attorneysat-Law, of 1876 Hutson Street, Belize City, Belize, for the registration of the following trade mark, as proprietor thereof. Fourth miasm, identified, 3132, 53 healing crises, 15 homeopathics as secondary remedies, 16 tubercular constitution, 31, 53 necrosis, 59, 59n89 necrotic bone energetic testing, 52223, 523n215 luetic reaction mode, 59n89 osteo, lesion as interference field, 508 needles Aiguilles Semi-Permanens ASP needle ; , 493 ML1-2215 AcuGlide, 494n180 neural therapy without, 43637, 436n98, 453 semi-permanent, 49394, 493n179 temporary, 49394, 494n180, Needles medial supplies ; , 1075 negative imprints, 924 negative placebo effect, 64041, 640n59, 641n60 negative test, false, 289n113 Neisseria gonorrhoeae, 30n37, 322 Neisseria meningitidis bacteria, 696, 696n141 Neomycin, 678 neoplastic disease, 712n15 neoplastic phase of disease, 3739, 40f1.4 neotame, 284 nephritis, 378, 557 nerve s ; autonomic, as chief function regulators, 413 autonomic, ipsilateral rule, 418, 418n72 autonomic, role of, 84546, 845n9091 autonomic, viscerosomatic referral, 84546, 845n9091 autonomic pathway, psychogalvanic, 396, 396n47 components of, 401n53 "crash" of sympathetic, 87475 damage to, 405 dental, fear of injuring, 515, 515n204 disturbed field, created by automatic, 404, 404n58 59 dysfunction from tonsil interference field, 563 dystrophies, central and peripheral, 378 enteric gut ; autonomic, 425, 425n75 fifth cranial nerve pathway for mercury, 9293 fifth cranial vs. trigeminal, 794 focal infection, axonal transport along, 401 focal nerve damage, 405 healing inflamed, 529, inflamed, somatovisceral nerve pathway, 860fVI.24, 977fVI.24 inflamed trigeminal, from maloccluded teeth, 795 injury, Hypericum perforatum, 490, 490n170, 858 mercury strips myelin from, 90 otic and gasserian, 793 pain, 640 and factive. Topic, References SIADH 1. Causes and management of hyponatremia Palmer et al., 2003 ; 6 2. Hyponatremia and the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion SIADH ; induced by psychotropic drugs Spigset and Hedenmalm, 1995 ; 4 Risk of Hemorrhage 1. Inhibition of serotonin reuptake by antidepressants and upper-gastrointestinal bleeding in elderly patients: retrospective cohort study Van Walraven et al., 2001 ; 21 2. Relationship of serotonergic antidepressants and need for blood transfusion in orthopedic surgical patients Movig et al., 2003 ; 27 Serotonin Syndrome 1. The serotonin syndrome Boyer and Shannon, 2005 ; 33 2. The Hunter Serotonin Toxicity Criteria: simple and accurate diagnostic decision rules for serotonin toxicity Dunkley et al., 2003 ; 43 Serotonin-Discontinuation Syndrome 1. Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome: current perspectives and consensus recommendations for management J Clin Psychiatry 2006; 67[suppl 4] ; 65 2. Discontinuation syndrome in dysthymic patients treated with selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors: a clinical investigation Bogetto et al., 2002 ; 52 SSRIs in pregnancy 1. The use of selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors during pregnancy and breast-feeding: a review and clinical aspects Hallberg and Sjoblom, 2005 ; 92 2. Neonate characteristics after maternal use of antidepressants in late pregnancy Kallen, 2004 ; 75.

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Order granting Plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction docs. , 26 and 41 ; .1 On September 22, 2004, Defendants filed an interlocutory appeal of this Court's order. On February 15, 2006, the Sixth Circuit issued its Opinion affirming in part and vacating in part this Court's Order granting the preliminary injunction, and remanded the case to this Court to determine the appropriate scope of preliminary injunctive relief in light of the Sixth Circuit's opinion. See doc. #60. ; On April 13, 2006, the Sixth Circuit issued an amended judgment to the same effect. Doc. #66 see also Planned Parenthood Cincinnati Region v. Taft, 444 F.3d 502, 505 6th Cir. 2006 ; . On March 16, 2006, this Court set a schedule for the parties' remand briefing regarding the scope of the preliminary injunction. See doc. # 63. ; Instead of limiting their briefing to the scope of the preliminary injunction, however, Plaintiffs filed the instant consolidated SJ Motion requesting both summary judgment and a permanent injunction, or, only in the alternative, a renewed preliminary injunction which, as before, enjoins the entire Act. The Court held oral argument on that Motion on June 26, 2006. A. The Parties.
1. Blamay RW, Jonat W, Kaufmann M et al. Goserelin depot in the treatment of premenopausal advanced breast cancer. Eur J Cancer 1992; 28A: 810814. Ellis MJ, Hayes DF and Lippman M. Treatment of metastatic breast cancer. In JR Harris ed. ; : Disease of the Breast, 2nd edition. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2000; 749797. 3. Lipton A, Ali SM, Leitzeil K et al. Elevated serum HER-2 neu level predicts decreased response to hormone therapy in metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 2002; 6: 14671472. Klijn JGM, Seynaeve C, Beex L et al. Combined treatment with Buserelin LHRH-A ; and Tamoxifen TAM ; versus single treatment with each drug alone in premenopausal metastatic breast cancer: preliminary results of EORTC study 10881. Proc Soc Clin Oncol 1996; 15: 132a. Nabholtz JM, Buzdar A, Pollack M et al. Anastrozole is superior to tamoxifen as first line therapy for advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women: results of a North American Multicenter Randomized Trial. J Clin Oncol 2000; 18: 37583776. Bonneterre J, Robertson J, Thrlimann B et al. Anastrozole versus tamoxifen as first line therapy for advanced breast cancer in 668 postmenopausal women: results of the TARGET study. J Clin Oncol 2000; 18: 37483757. Milla-Santos A, Milla. Phase III trial of anastrozole versus tamoxifen in postmenopausal patients with hormonodependent advanced breast cancer. Eur J Cancer 2001; 37 Suppl. 5 ; : 4 Abstr O-11 ; . 8. Bonneterre J, Buzdar A, Nabholtz JM et al. Anastrozole is superior to tamoxifen as first-line therapy in hormone receptor positive advanced breast cancer. Cancer 2001; 92: 22472258. Mouridsen H, Gershanovich M, Sun Y et al. Superior efficacy of letrozole versus tamoxifen as first line therapy for postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer: results of a phase III study of the International Letrozole Breast Cancer Group. J Clin Oncol 2000; 19: 25962606. Paridaens R, Dirix LY, Beex L et al. Exemestane Aromasin ; is active and well tolerated as first line hormonal therapy of metastatic breast cancer patients: results of a randomized phase II trial. Proc Soc Clin Oncol 2000; 19: 316. Cheung K, Forward D, Jackson L et al. The combined use of goserelin and anastrozole as second line endocrine therapy in premenopausal women in advanced breast cancer. Proc Soc Clin Oncol 2001; 21: Abstr 1937 ; . 12. Buzdar AU, Jonat W, Howell A et al. Anastrozole versus megestrol acetate in the treatment of postmenopausal women with advanced breast carcinoma. Results of a survival update based on a combined analysis of data from two mature phase III trials. Cancer 1998; 83: 11421152. Dombernowsky P, Smith I, Falkson G et al. Letrozole a new aromatase inhibitor for advanced breast cancer: double blind randomized trial showing a dose effect and improved efficacy and tolerability compared with megestrol acetate. J Clin Oncol 1998; 16: 453461 and felbamate.

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