Not appear to reduce the incidence of angina pectoris or the frequency of a second acute myocardial infaretion, nor does it appear to prolong life. In the postmenopausal woman, estrogen therapy has little effect upon seruni cholesterol. Further data are necessary, however, to determine the effects of estrogen on vascular disease in such persons. It thus appears that estrogen therapy should be restricted to the young woman in whom bilateral oophorectomy has been performed. The search for other substances with hypocholesteremic but less estrogenic effect is under active pursuit. One such substance, 57 Manvene a 3, 16-substituted estriol derivative ; has less estrogenic side effects, but recent reports indicate that this agent alters liver function significantly. A new agent, MER 29, triparanol, related to TACE, a synthetic estrogen, does reduce serum cholesterol and is without estrogenic effect.58 It apparently interferes with cholesterol production late in the biosynthetic pathway. Ani increase in the liver and blood of a cholesterol precursor, 24-dehydrocholesterol or desmosterol, following triparanol therapy has been showni by Avigan et al.59 Desmosterol gives a color in the Lieberman-Burchard reaction which is less intense than cholesterol. Consequently, the reduction in total serum sterol is less than would be indicated by the standard methods of cholesterol determination. Whether desmosterol has an effect similar to cholesterol on atherogenesis remains to be determined. The effects of testosterone and related substances on atherosclerosis in man require additional study. Testosterone does not have a favorable effect on angina pectoris; the initial reports indicating benefit have not been confirmed. Although testosterone produces iu ; change in total serum cholesterol, there is a reduction in alpha-lipoprotein cholesterol and an increase in the beta-lipoprotein cholesterol following testosterone or methyl testosterone. The androgens abolish completely the effects of estrogen on serum cholesterol and lipoproteins in man but have very little effect on the feminizing capacity of estrogens.45 A possible.
This paper presents an analytical review of the recent literature on the etiology and pathogenesis of human and experimental leukemia, and a hypo thetical interpretation of the mechanism of induc tion of the experimental disease. Emphasis has been placed on the gaps in our existing knowledge and on the relationship, if any, between what we have learned in the mouse and the corresponding situation in man. The term "leukemia" has been used rather broadly in the title to include evidence pertaining to lymphosarcoma and Hodgkin's dis ease, but an attempt will be made to be more spe cific regarding terminology in the text. The older literature is thoroughly covered in earlier reviews 39, 40, 79 ; . There has been an astounding increase in the incidence of leukemia and the related malignant lymphoid tumors, which has received little recog nition in comparison with the considerable furor about the increasing incidence of carcinoma of the lung. Yet in the year 1950, 8, 845 people died of leukemia in the United States, a crude death rate of 5.9 per 100, 000 population, as compared with a rate of only 5.1 for primary malignant tumors of the trachea, lung, and bronchus 119 ; . The leukemias and lymphomas rank about fourth or fifth among the causes of death from malignant neo.
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Except for the total number of compounds tested, their numbering is retained exactly as in the Diverse Systems Summary Data 9 ; . t Diluent: S physiological saline; CMC 0.5 per cent carboxymethylcellulose in physiological saline; PO peanut oil. ZT treated; C controls. oxic dose: Average host weight change 5"6 gm. and or mortality of 2 6, relative to controls, or general appearance of T treated rats very poor.
Statutory accounts The consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2003 and 2002 and for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2003 do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the UK Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United Kingdom for the years ended December 31, 2002 and 2001, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies for England and Wales. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified. 3 ; Business combinations and reorganizations Year ended December 31, 2003 a ; Closure of Lead Optimization On July 31, 2003, Shire announced its decision to close Lead Optimization as a result of a strategic review. The closure resulted in: the severance of approximately 135 Lead Optimization employees. As of December 2003, 130 had left the Company, and the remaining employees left by January 31, 2004. Severance payments are being made to the former employees over a fifteen-month period, as required by local regulations; a .0 million write-off of associated tangible fixed assets. These assets, primarily laboratory equipment, were used by Lead Optimization for research and development and have no alternative use; and the cancellation, to the extent possible, of contracts directly relating to Lead Optimization.
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In a number of philanthropic and community activities. At the present time, however, Mr. Johnson has no commercial endorsements or other means of support Mr. Johnson denies using any banned substances following Seoul in September 1988. He cannot explain the T E ratio determined by the IAAF Doping Commission. Return to Competition 1991-1993 .For over 60 years Percy Duncan has been an athletic competitor, coach and organiser. He has known Ben Johnson since Mr. Johnson arrived in Canada in 1976. He helped found the Scarborough Optimists Club which Mr. Johnson joined. Subsequently, Mr. Duncan had peripheral involvement with the Mazda track club, which was an offshoot from the Scarborough Optimists. Charlie Francis founded and coached the Mazda Club. Ben Johnson competed with the Mazda Club. Mr. Duncan testified that he did not know, prior to 1988, that members of the Mazda Club, including Ben Johnson, were using steroids Percy Duncan's role as Ben Johnson's coach appears to have been somewhat limited. He was not paid a salary by Mr. Johnson, although at some point Mr. Johnson gave him , 000. Mr. Johnson continued to manage his own competition schedule, his travel arrangements and nutrition. Mr. Duncan's focus was on what he described as "running-based coaching". He travelled to competitions with Mr. Johnson Mr. Duncan expressed the belief that Mr. Johnson's time of 9.79 seconds for 100 metres in Seoul was not a result of his use of performance enhancing drugs. He based this belief on a discussion that he had with an expert, Dr. David Black. Mr. Duncan acknowledged a strong bond with Mr. Johnson going back to the early days of their association with one another. He believed that "Ben would not lie". Mr. Duncan and Mr. Johnson did not discuss the latter's use of steroids prior to his disqualification at Seoul Mr. Johnson had occasional assistance from coaches other than Mr. Duncan, as well as from masseurs and medical advisers. He denied having any direct dealings with Charlie Francis after 1988. He acknowledged seeing Mr. Francis from time to time while training at the York University High Performance Centre. In contrast, Sue Weiss, the head coach at York University, advised that there was no question that Mr. Johnson and Mr. Francis did communicate while at York University, but she did not know what they were saying to one another. Ms. Weiss confirmed that Mr. Francis was not coaching Mr. Johnson. The evidence of Michael Smith, a member of Canada's national athletic team for over ten years, was to similar effect Between 1991 and 1993 Mr. Johnson used a number of supplements as part of his training regime. One of these supplements was Machachi. He had injections of Inocine administered by his family physician and he used an energy boost called AP-T. Mr. Duncan was unaware of Mr. Johnson's use of these substances. It was not suggested that any of these substances contained banned elements. The Montreal Sample .After the Hamilton race on 15 January 1993, as was the case in every race in which he participated following his return to competition, Mr. Johnson was asked to provide a sample of his urine for drug testing. He left the doping room at around 2: 00 a.m. Percy Duncan was with him. Afterwards, Mr. Johnson drove Mr. Duncan to Mr. Duncan's home in the Toronto area and then went on to his own home in Newmarket, arriving at around 4: 00 a.m. He went straight to bed. His evidence was that he had nothing to eat or drink between providing a urine sample after the Hamilton race and going to bed There was some minor discrepancy as between the evidence of Mr. Johnson and that of Mr. Duncan in terms of the timing of certain events on the following day, 16 January. Mr. Johnson and toremifene.
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World Health Organization Marketing and Dissemination 1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland ment of new antimalarial drugs a review of the current status of the P. falciparum genome sequencing project and the unique insights it has generated, and of the application of functional genomics tools to the identification of new therapeutic strategies and targets ; . A new section `Public Health Classics', takes a look back at the ground-breaking demonstration by Shortt and Garnham in 1948 of the exo-erythrocytic cycle of the malaria parasite, and includes a commentary on the significance of this discovery from a modern-day perspective.
Medical licensure in the United States is granted by state licensing boards comprising doctors, other health care providers, and public representatives. The licensing board is charged by statute to ensure that only qualified, competent, and ethical doctors are licensed to practise medicine in that state. The medical boards also have a judicial role to protect citizens from being harmed by doctors who do not meet these qualifications or who violate standards of practice. To obtain a medical licence, a doctor must have completed a and tracleer
| Monitoring At enrollment, a full physical examination was performed. This included assessment of lymph node, liver and spleen size, a CT scan of the thorax and abdomen and full laboratory analysis of blood parameters. Bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy were performed and immunophenotyping of BCLL cells in blood and or bone marrow CD19 CD5 CD23, CD19 CD5 CD52 ; was carried out by flow-cytometry. During treatment, blood counts and a differential were analyzed once weekly and serum electrolytes were measured and serum liver tests performed every 3 weeks. Physical examination, including tumor assessment, chest and
LARGE HAWK-CUCKOO Cuculus sparverioides ; DI * , AK, DL * - Essentially heard only, but one distant bird was seen flying briefly on Doi Ang Khang. * INDIAN CUCKOO Cuculus micropterus ; DI * ORIENTAL CUCKOO Cuculus saturatus ; CD - Two birds were scoped in the ag fields below Doi Chiang Dao. BANDED BAY CUCKOO Cacomantis sonneratii ; DI, CD * , AK * , CM * , KY * , PLAINTIVE CUCKOO Cacomantis merulinus ; B, DL * , R * , KK * - seen well our first afternoon and then heard often VIOLET CUCKOO Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus ; KK - A male was seen in flight display high overhead in the lower section of the park, and a female was seen near our lodgings. ASIAN DRONGO-CUCKOO Surniculus lugubris ; KY, KK * - seen nicely at the lower KY vista point ASIAN KOEL Eudynamys scolopacea ; Encountered almost daily. BLACK-BELLIED MALKOHA Phaenicophaeus diardi ; KK - One was seen nicely in upper KK. GREEN-BILLED MALKOHA Phaenicophaeus tristis ; CM, AK, KY, KK - the commonest malkoha in Thailand RAFFLES' MALKOHA Phaenicophaeus chlorophaeus ; KK - seen by a couple of folks CORAL-BILLED GROUND-CUCKOO Carpococcyx renauldi ; KY - Well, it's one of the foremost specialties of KY, and we'll take it anyway we can get it--even coming in to eat discarded rice! We all saw it well. GREATER COUCAL Centropus sinensis ; Another common species that was encountered almost throughout. LESSER COUCAL Centropus bengalensis ; R - We had good scope views of several birds in the marsh at Rangsit and trandolapril.
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Editor, Andrea Chapman: "I have some ideas for storing in small places. One idea is a little radical, but my husband and I did it and it worked well. We took apart our bed frame and used buckets, about 12-16 to hold up our bed. It was a little higher than before, but it looked fine. I have a friend who used the #10 cans in boxes that the fit in 6 at time. She stacked those and used that under the bed. Also, you can stack those three high and put a table cloth over it for a nice little table in the Living Room or Family room. I have also put food storage in the boys room, in their closet on the floor. Not many little kids use all their closet space and tranylcypromine.
James, E. 1989. The origins of barbarian kingdoms: the continental evidence. In S. Bassett ed. ; , The Origins of Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. London & New York. Koestler, A. 1976. The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage. London. Kowalski, J. 1987. Badania cmentarzyska w Chojnowie, woj. elblaskie. Badania archeologiczne w woj. elblaskim w latach 1980-1983. Malbork. Labuda, G. 1961. Zrdla skandynawskie i anglosaskie do dziejw Slowianszczyzny. Warszawa. Larsson, M.G. 1990. Runstenar och utlandsfrder: aspekter p det senvikingatida samhllet med utgngspunkt i de fasta fornlmningarna. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia ser in 8o Nr 18, Lund. Lebedev, G.S. & Nazarenko, V.A. 1973. The connections between Russians and Scandinavians in the 9th-11th centuries. Norwegian Archaeological Review 6 1 ; . Martens, J. 1994. The Vandals: myths and facts about a Germanic tribe of the first half of the 1st millennium AD. In S. Shennan ed. ; , Archaeological Approaches to Cultural Identity: 57-66. London & New York. Nesselman, G.H.F. 1845. Sprache der alten Preussen. Knigsberg. Okulicz, J. 1973. Pradzieje ziem pruskich od pznego paleolitu do VII w n e. Wroclaw-WarszawaKrakw. Petrukhin, V.J. 1993. Varjagi i chazary v istorji Rusi. Etnograficheskoje obozrenije No 3. Moskva. Petrukhin, V.J. 1995. The early history of old Russian art: the rython from Chernigov and Khazarian tradition. Tor 27 2 ; . Ringsted, N. 1989. Review of Untersuchungen zu Handel und Verkehr der vor- und frhgeschichtlichen Zeit in Mittel- und Nordeuropa, B III & IV 1985, 1987, Gttingen ; . Fornvnnen 1-2 1989. Scukin, M. 1991. The Balto-Slavic forest direction in the archaeological study of Ethnogenesis of the Slavs. Wiadomosci Archeologiczne 2 1991. Shennan, S. 1994. Introduction: archaeological approaches to cultural identity. In S. Shennan ed. ; , Archaeological Approaches to Cultural Identity: 1-32. London & New York. Stalsberg, A. 1991. Women as actors in Viking Age trade. In R. Samson ed. ; , Social Approaches to Viking Studies. Glasgow. Werbart, B. 1995. Myths concerning female and male objects in graves: iron Age graves in Scandinavia and around southern Baltic Sea. In I. Jansson ed. ; , Archaeology East and West of the Baltic: Papers from the Second Estonian-Swedish Archaeological Symposium. Stockholm. Werbart, B. 1996a. Khazars or "Saltovo-Majaki culture"? Prejudicies about archaeology and ethnicity. Current Swedish Archaeology 4: 199-221. Werbart, B. 1996b. Truso. Nationalencyklopedin. Band XVIII. Stockholm. Werbart, B. 1996c. Wolin. Nationalencyklopedin. Band XX. Stockholm. Werbart, B. 1997. All these fantastic cultures? Concepts of archaeological cultures, identity and ethnicity. Archaeologia Polona 33 Special Theme: Concepts of Archaeological Cultures ; . Werbart, B. 1998a. Archaeology and cultural identity: Russia-Crimea-Khazars. New archaeological discoveries and theories. Studia z Dziejow Cywilizacji. Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Warszawa. Werbart, B. 1999. De mnskliga kontakterna i stersjomrdet: yngre stenlderns fngstsamhllen. In G. Burenhult ed. ; , Arkeologi i Norden. Natur och kultur. Stockholm. Werbart, B. 2002. De osynliga identiteterna: kulturell identitet och arkeologi. Studia Archaeolgica Universitatis Umensis 16, Ume. Wyszomirska, B. 1984. Figurplastik och gravskick hos Nord- och Nordsteuropas neolitiska fngstkulturer. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia ser in 4o Nr 18, Lund. Wyszomirska-Werbart, B. 1991. Baltic and Scandinavian connections in southern area of the Baltic Sea during the Late Iron Age. In Region and Reflections: In Honour of Mrta Strmberg, Acta Archaeologica Lundensia, Series in 8o No 20, Lund. Wyszomirska-Werbart, B. 1992. Scandinavia and the Eastern Baltic during the Migration Period: the cultural interactions. In B. Hrdh & B. Wyszomirska-Werbart eds. ; , Contacts across the Baltic Sea during the Late Iron Age: 59-72. University of Lund, Institute of Archaeology, Report Series No 43, Lund. Ya'ari, E. 1995. Skeletons in the closet: who's afraid of the Khazar Jewish Empire? The Jerusalem Report, September 7, 1995: 26-30. Jerusalem.
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9: 00AM EK.00001 spectroscopy in photoproduction on a proton target at Jefferson Lab , LEI GUO, Jefferson Lab, CLAS COLLABORATION -- The CLAS Collaboration at Jefferson Lab conducted a photoproduction experiment on a proton target using a tagged photon beam with an energy range of 1.6-3.8 GeV during May-July 2004. With an integrated luminosity of about 70 pb-1 , this experiment provides the largest data set for photon-proton reactions ever collected. The reaction p K + 1320 ; has been investigated with the two K + 's detected by CLAS and - 1320 ; constructed from missing four momentum. The preliminary results of the cross section measurement of - 1320 ; for the photon energy range of 2.7-3.8 GeV will be presented. In search for excited cascade states, the reaction of p K 1320 has been explored. Preliminary results of excited cascade states decaying into 0 - will be shown. The feasibility of searching for pentaquark cascade states in photoproduction on a proton target will also be discussed. 9: 15AM EK.00002 Diffractive photo-production off the Deuteron Near Threshold in LEPS SPring-8 , MANABU MIYABE, Department of Physics, Kyoto University, KEITO HORIE, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, SUGURU and treprostinil.
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