Figure 1. This circuit is used to measure the output jitter of the MAX999 comparator. The random jitter of the CSA8000 is specified as 1.0ps RMS typ ; and 1.5ps RMS max ; . The HP8082A pulse generator specifies the output jitter to be 0.1% of period + 50ps peak-to-peak ; . The output frequency has been chosen to be 80MHz with a 1VP-P output swing terminated into 50 ; centered around 2.5V. By connecting the pulse generator directly to the CSA8000, we can measure a jitter of 7.7ps RMS. When fed with the input signal described above, the Figure 1 circuit measures an RMS jitter of 11.2ps. Given the simplicity of the circuit, the careful filtering of the power supply, and the low-EMI environment, it is fair to assume that the dominant part of the jitter introduced by the MAX999 and surrounding components is random. Assuming also that the jitter introduced by the pulse generator and the one introduced by the MAX999 are uncorrelated, it is possible to extrapolate an estimate of the latter's jitter based on the formula in Equation 1: RJ PG ; MAX999 ; RJ MEAS ; Figure 2 provides the parameters for Equation 1. Eq. 1.
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I would like to note that this is the first meeting for our new headquarters staff at Association Headquarters Inc. I want to personally thank Mr. Anthony Celenza, Senior Meetings Manager, and Mr. Dan Lemyre, Assistant Executive Director, and their staff for their hard work, patience and flexibility in putting the meeting together. With their help, we were able to push back the abstract submission deadline by one month from previous years. This new deadline allowed researchers to include more data in their abstracts, make their presentations more current, and to enhance the quality and timely exchange and dissemination of new information for the Society's membership and meeting attendees. And kudos to 19 members of the meeting's Program Committee especially Anne Meyer, Lynne Jones, W. John Kao, Warren Haggard, and Karen Burg ; , the 29 special program and SIG session organizers, and all 185 abstract reviewers for their help and dedication in pulling the program together. With only a few minor hiccups, I delighted to report that we you were able to review and score 729 submitted abstracts, organize 682 abstracts into sessions, and send abstract notifications within nine weeks after the deadline for submissions! This effort was a stupendous accomplishment, especially considering that most of these activities occurred during the holiday season with its usual distractions. To quote a famous Memphian, "Thank you, thank you very much!" I offer special thanks also to the Local Arrangements Committee: Jack Parr, Shah Jahan, and Paul Kovacs. Speaking of distractions, we are lucky to have the world famous "Memphis in May" celebration begin during our meeting. During the April 29-May 1 weekend there will be more than 60 acts featuring blues, jazz, R&B, rock-n-roll, soul, alternative and gospel music. So there is bound to be fun, food and music to appeal to just about anybody! I believe you will find this year's meeting interesting, educational and of value, and that Memphis has much to offer in the way of biomaterials and entertainment. So welcome and cheers and robaxin.
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The new operating structures in our Mitchelstown and Mogeely facilities are helping to address these issues and we will continue to pursue all reasonable business strategies to drive efficiencies in our dairy processing operations and in the way we market your milk. Dairygold will also continue to develop and secure higher value markets for an increasing percentage of its product range notwithstanding the constraints of a seasonal milk supply. Our successful move into the speciality cheese markets with Jarlsberg and Manchego cheese are examples of how this will be achieved and we will build on this success to add further value to your milk supply in the coming years. The Irish dairy industry is going through a painful process of change. More than 30 years of operating with a focus on maximising returns from EU product supports has created an industry that is not sufficiently customer focused. The Irish dairy industry needs to become more customer focused and marketing has never been so important. Dairygold is fully supportive of industry initiatives to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of dairy processing capacity on a nationwide basis. We believe that our ground breaking co-processing arrangement with Glanbia points the way forward in this regard. The focus of the industry must be on efficient processing, regardless of the ownership of the processing assets. This will allow precious resources to be concentrated on adding value through market innovation and new product development.
INVITEMNM, ITEM name 'item-name' is invalid or not uniquely identified Facility: MONITOR, Monitor Utility Explanation: The specified item name is not defined for the class with which it is specified. This message can result from specifying an item name with too few characters to uniquely identify it. User Action: Check the list of items defined for the requested class by entering: HELP MONITOR ITEM. Reenter the MONITOR command requesting only valid items. INVITMCOD, invalid item code, item code 'item code hex ; ' Facility: PSM, Print Symbiont Modification Facility Explanation: An invalid item code is detected. User Action: Specify a valid item code. INVITMCOD, invalid item code or option code Facility: JBC, Job Controller Explanation: The $GETQUI or $SNDJBC item list contains an invalid item code, or the $SNDSMB or $SNDACC option list contains an invalid option code. User Action: Correct the invalid item code or option code. INVJNLFAC, invalid facility code in journal entry Facility: RMS, OpenVMS Record Management Services Explanation: The facility code field of a journal entry is invalid. User Action: See the VMS Analyze Disk Structure Utility Manual to determine if the portion of the disk on which the journal is stored is corrupt. If the disk is corrupt, call Digital Services. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report SPR ; . Be sure to provide all relevant information requested in the OpenVMS RMS Journaling Manual with the SPR. INVJNLFIL, invalid journal Facility: RMS, OpenVMS Record Management Services Explanation: An inconsistency exists in the structure of a journal entry. User Action: See the VMS Analyze Disk Structure Utility Manual to determine if the portion of the disk on which the journal is stored is corrupt. If the disk is corrupt, call Digital Services. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report SPR ; . Be sure to provide all relevant information requested in the OpenVMS RMS Journaling Manual with the SPR. INVJNLIDX, invalid journal index number Facility: RMS, OpenVMS Record Management Services Explanation: The journal index number field of a journal entry is invalid. User Action: See the VMS Analyze Disk Structure Utility Manual to determine if the portion of the disk on which the journal is stored is corrupt. If the disk is corrupt, call Digital Services. Otherwise, submit a Software Performance Report SPR ; . Be sure to provide all relevant information requested in the OpenVMS RMS Journaling Manual with the SPR and robitussin.
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Morphologic components in a given biopsy as a guide to treatment and prognosis. Activity and chronicity scores are used as an adjunct to the WHO classification of lupus nephritis by many practicing pathologists, although the reproducibility and the predictability of these indices have been questioned by some 20 ; . In 1995, attention was again drawn to the significance of segmental glomerular capillary wall necrosis 2 ; , a lesion also characteristic of glomerular injury in systemic vasculitis. Some investigators consider segmental glomerular necrosis to be the defining feature of class III lesions, regardless of the percentage of glomeruli involved. Subsequent studies by Najafi et al 21 ; revealed the poor outcome of diffuse segmental necrotizing glomerulonephritis involving over 50% of glomeruli, which these investigators consider a severe form of class III ; , as compared to other forms of class IV lupus nephritis and rocephin.
12 The sense-making framework and many of the conceptual arguments used in this paper are adapted from C.F. Kurtz and D.J. Snowden, "The New Dynamics of Strategy: Sense-Making in a Complex and Complicated World, " IBM Systems Journal 42, No. 3 2003 ; . Their article describes in much greater detail the Cynefin Framework. Snowden, in other writing, describes the meaning of the term "Cynefin" pronounced cun-evin ; . The description conveys the potential meaning of the term for homeland security considerations. Cynefin "is a Welsh word with no direct equivalent in English. As a noun it is translated as habitat, as an adjective acquainted or familiar, but dictionary definitions fail to do it justice. A better, and more poetic, definition comes from the introduction to a collection of paintings by Kyffin Williams, an artist whose use of oils creates a new awareness of the mountains of his native land and their relationship to the spirituality of its people: `It describes that relationship: the place of your birth and of your upbringing, the environment in which you live and to which you are naturally acclimatized.' Source in original. ; It differs from the Japanese concept of Ba, which is a `shared space for emerging relationships' Source in original ; in that it links a community into its shared history or histories in a way that paradoxically both limits the perception of that community while enabling an instinctive and intuitive ability to adapt to conditions of profound uncertainty. In general, if a community is not physically, temporally and spiritually rooted, then it is alienated from its environment and will focus on survival rather than creativity and collaboration." From : cognitive-edge 2006 09 ; accessed September 30, 2006. 13.
The development of better assays has led to the realization that IL-4 in the lungs is likely to be an important component of the pathogenesis of tuberculosis. This is evident with appropriately studied material from patients in the UK, but more importantly, the levels of IL-4 in tuberculosis patients in the countries where BCG fails are very high indeed, and can also account for other paradoxes such as early deaths, fibrosis, failure of Th1-mediated effector functions, and toxicity of TNF-. We suggest that in developing countries a background mixed Th1 Th2 response section 2.3 ; , attributable to environmental mycobacteria and, in some environments, to helminths, protects against lowdose challenge but not against high-dose challenge and rogaine.
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Monash IVF T.E.-G., M.P.G., V.M., D.L.H ; and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Monash University T.E.-G., D.L.H ; , Prince Henry's Institute of Medical Research D.M.R., N.C. ; , Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia; and Oxford Brookes University N.G. ; , Oxford, United Kingdom.
Kawamura et al. 1999 ; studied the influence of the Prandtl and Reynolds numbers on the turbulent heat transfer statistics mean temperature, RMS-fluctuations, turbulent heat fluxes ; and showed very weak influence of the Reynolds number in the near-wall region. However, all the simulations mentioned above used isothermal boundary condition for the dimensionless temperature, which corresponds to a physical configuration where the fluid with very small density, heat capacity and thermal conductivity is heated by a thick wall with high density, high heat capacity and high thermal conductivity. Kong et al. 2000 ; compared the isoflux and isothermal boundary conditions by performing DNS of the developing turbulent thermal boundary layer at Re 300 based on inlet momentum thickness ; and Pr 0.71 and observed the temperature fluctuations close to the wall. Tiselj et al. 2001b ; performed DNS of a turbulent flume flow with ideal isothermal and ideal isoflux thermal boundary conditions and analyzed the differences between both types of boundary condition at Re 171 based on wall shear velocity and the height of the flume ; and Pr 1 and 5.4. They found that the temperature RMS fluctuations retain a nonzero value at the wall for isoflux boundary condition, and zero for isothermal one. They also found that the temperature field under the isothermal wall BC was highly correlated with the stream-wise velocity. This correlation was weaker for the temperature field under isoflux wall boundary condition. Conjugate heat transfer which solves a coupled problem of turbulent heat transfer and heat conduction in the solid wall with a given thickness and material properties, was initially studied by Polyakov 1974 ; , who made a mathematical analysis of the coupled heat transfer through an infinitely thick wall, using a linearized energy equation in the viscous sub-layer, and found that the value of the temperature fluctuations at the fluid-solid interface differs for different fluid-solid systems i.e. as thermal activity ratio, K, increases, the temperature fluctuations at the interface increases too ; . This finding was later confirmed, analytically by Sinai 1987 ; , Kasagi et al. 1989 ; and Sommer et al. 1994 ; and experimentally by Iritani et al. 1985 ; , Khabakhpasheva 1986 ; , Hetsroni & Rozenblit 1994 ; and Mosyak et al. 2001 and rozerem.
First, we recognize that the general methodological concepts expressed by Dr. Pearson Murphy have been known for many years * Received October 19, 2000. Address correspondence to: Beverley E. Pearson Murphy, M.D., Ph.D., Psychoendocrinology Unit, Montreal General Hospital, R. C6268, 1033 Pine Avenue West, Montreal, Canada H3A 1A1. Received December 18, 2000. Address correspondence to: Felice Petraglia, M.D., Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Siena, Policlinico "Le Scotte, " Siena 53100, Italy.
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Zhang Z, Schuler T, Zupancic M, et al. Sexual Transmission and Propagation of Siv and Hiv in Resting and Activated Cd4 + T Cells. Science 1999; 286: 1353-1357. Ho DD, Neumann AU, Perelson AS, et al. Rapid Turnover of Plasma Virions and Cd4 Lymphocytes in Hiv-1 Infection. Nature 1995; 373: 123-126. Wei X, Ghosh SK, Taylor ME, et al. Viral Dynamics in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection. Nature 1995; 373: 117-122. Josephson F, Albert J, Flamholc L, et al. Antiretroviral Treatment of Hiv Infection: Swedish Recommendations 2007. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 2007; 39: 486-507. Gulick RM, Ribaudo HJ, Shikuma CM, et al. Three- Vs Four-Drug Antiretroviral Regimens for the Initial Treatment of Hiv-1 Infection: A Randomized Controlled Trial. JAMA 2006; 296: 769-781. Shafer RW, Smeaton LM, Robbins GK, et al. Comparison of Four-Drug Regimens and Pairs of Sequential Three-Drug Regimens as Initial Therapy for Hiv-1 Infection. The New England Journal of Medicine 2003; 349: 2304-2315. European Guidelines for the Clinical Management and Treatment of Hiv-Infected Adults in Europe. AIDS 2003; 17 Suppl 2: S3-26. Loutfy MR, Walmsley SL. Salvage Antiretroviral Therapy in Hiv Infection. Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy 2002; 3: 81-90. Birk M, Svedhem V, Sonnerborg A. Kinetics of Hiv-1 Rna and Resistance-Associated Mutations after Cessation of Antiretroviral Combination Therapy. AIDS 2001; 15: 13591368. Balotta C, Berlusconi A, Pan A, et al. Prevalence of Transmitted Nucleoside AnalogueResistant Hiv-1 Strains and Pre-Existing Mutations in Pol Reverse Transcriptase and Protease Region: Outcome after Treatment in Recently Infected Individuals. Antiviral Therapy 2000; 5: 7-14. de Jong MD, Schuurman R, Lange JM, et al. Replication of a Pre-Existing Resistant Hiv-1 Subpopulation in Vivo after Introduction of a Strong Selective Drug Pressure. Antiviral Therapy 1996; 1: 33-41. Mayers DL. Prevalence and Incidence of Resistance to Zidovudine and Other Antiretroviral Drugs. The American Journal of Medicine 1997; 102: 70-75. Coffin JM. Hiv Pathogenesis. Lines Drawn in Epitope Wars. Nature 1995; 375: 534-535. Frost SD, Martinez-Picado J, Ruiz L, et al. Viral Dynamics During Structured Treatment Interruptions of Chronic Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection. Journal of Virology 2002; 76: 968-979. John M, Moore CB, James IR, et al. Interactive Selective Pressures of Hla-Restricted Immune Responses and Antiretroviral Drugs on Hiv-1. Antiviral Therapy 2005; 10: 551555 and sandimmune.
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Others. It is interesting to note that the data are consistent with the notion that a given drug could operate by different mechanisms in separate organs of a given sex CDER-1, F ; . The estimated parameter values corresponding to the predicted values in Table 2 are given in Table 3. These estimated parameters provide a useful starting point for representing variations of the initiation, promotion, and completion progression ; events in the cancer process. The exact procedure to be followed is described below. Following Portier et al. 1986 ; , the cumulative hazard functions for time to death from competing risks and time to death after onset of tumor are of the form and sandostatin.
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